Set Cost, Billing Rate For Resource at Global Level

Navigate Admin>User Setup>Users>Select User>Edit

To update existing user's details, select a user & click on Edit button in Users box at the top of workspace within Admin page as shown below.

As you click on Edit button, and Default Cost & Billing Rates section you will see box as follows


  1. As an administrator, you can set global cost rate, overtime rate and billing rate (per hour) for that resource. It is called global rates because these resource-rate-values will be inherited when PM invites a given resource to project. 
  2. If admin changes above global values after user/resource is already invited to different projects, newer cost, billing rates will not have any impact on existing project costing or billing. Any change in above cost or billing rates will get applicable when resource is added/invited to a project team.
  1. Also keep in mind that there are Job Role level rates also available. But if any of the global cost, overtime or billing rates for a resource is set to non-zero number, global resource rates will have precedence over Job Role rates. So Admin would set global cost/billing rates for individual resource/user only when s/he is not associated with any Job Role or despite of the job role, Admin wants project managers to use specific cost/billing rates for a given user.

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