Update Tasks Progress & Task Status via Email

ZilicusPM has been designed to be super simple for users who are heavy email users. For such users, when any task is assigned to them, an email notification is sent. They have an option to update task status and task progress over email just by clicking on the links provided in the email (shown below).

Task assignee just have to click on one of the linkaa, which will open ‘Compose Email’ window (in web based client, as well as in desktop based email clients) and just send it. These links are designed such that ‘Send To’ and ‘Subject’ are auto-populated for user, making it very easy for them. When such email is sent, ZilicusPM will automatically update the task progress in the background.

Thus ZilicusPM allows team members to update task progress via email, without having to login to ZilicusPM. The task assignment email notification sent to users will have predefined links (each for updating progress to 25%, 50%, 75% and marking task as complete). The links are crafted such that it will leave very little chance of user error (i.e. user need not have to enter any details to update task progress). Users just need to click on links provided in the task assignment email; and it will open compose email window, with auto-populated value of send-to field. Team members just have to send that email.


Figure 9: Email Notification: Update Task via Email


Note: There may be few exceptions of Microsoft outlook versions where these links may not work, in that case, users need to copy the specified email ids to SendTo field and send.

Working with Calendar Events

ZilicusPM provides email preferences to receive task assignment email notification along with a calendar invite. Refer this email preference page to turn on the calendar invite capability. When this preference is checked, team members can see task assignment in their calendar. ZilicusPM sends standard iCal compliant invitation file (.ics file) to team members email address. Depending on the calendar client (Microsoft Outlook version, Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, Dominos Calendar), the task event will be displayed in respective calendar client.

Weekly Summary Notification For Team Member - View/Update Taks

To make it super simple for users who are heavy email users and/or wouldn't like to leave email inbox to update task progress. Now ZilicusPM will be sending weekly summary notification for team members to view pending tasks, current completion level and expected progress. Weekly summary notification will look like one given below.

There are three links provided in this email to update task progress. If team member would like to update few individual tasks without logging into ZilicusPM, s/he can click on first link. It will open separate ZilicusPM page (view below).

In order to mark all tasks at once, to their expected completion level, user can click on second link. Even when user clicks on this link, s/he doesn't have to login to ZilicusPM.

Note - Though user may not require to login to ZilicusPM after clicking on above two links, these links remain active for limited time of two days for security reasons.

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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