Resource Utilization

Navigate Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace > Project Overview > Project Dashboard > Resource Utilization

1. s you click on the Project Dashboard bar in the left panel, you will see list of portlets/boxes arranged in the main workspace area

2. A portlet/box with heading 'Resource Utilization' will give you status of project in terms of how resources are being utilized in current project

3. The resource utilization is represented through bar charts




Understanding Resource Utilization dashboard


  • You can see, the x-axis gives names of resources in your project team
  • The y-axis represents % of utilization in current project
  • Put together, each bar represents a percentage utilization of a given team member in current project
  • Note: At the moment, ZilicusPM takes each resource's availability to be % allocation specified for a given project for given duration of project and based on estimated efforts of the tasks assigned to him, his utilization is calculated as follows


% utilization = (number of hours of estimated efforts of tasks assigned) / (duration in number of days of a given project * number of working hours per day)

It excludes holidays, weekends, time-off days from above calculation.

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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