Add/Delete Team Member

Navigate Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace >Project Overview > Team Details


Once you create project as described in 'Create Project' step, the next activity in project management you would do is to add project team members.

  1. Click on Add Team Member button on the top right side of the workspace.
  2. The Add Member box will enlist all members of your organization. You can select desired users by clicking through the checkbox & click save. You can also add ‘Email Only’ users as well as Generic Resources to project.
  3. It is made easier to search desired team member from resource pool. Project manager can just search by name, skillset or job role as shown in the image below. Once desired resource is identified, project manager can drag his listing to right side of the listing panel.
  4. Project manager can specify how much % of resource time, would be allocated to the project and everything related to % allocation will decide resource availability, utilization, etc.
  5. Resource Cost, Billing Rates: When project manager will add a resource from resource pool to project team, project manager can see resource default rate populated and prompted in the cost, over time cost and billing rate cells. Resource cost, overtime and billing rates are in currency per hour (e.g. USD 55 per hour) and these rates are pulled from Role based rates (if that user is associated with specific job role, provided that job role rates are configured and when global resource rate is set to zero). When global resource rates is set to non-zero, ZilicusPM will prompt resource rates inherited from individual resource's global rate.
  6. Project manager can also overwrite resource’s global cost rate and billing rates or Role based default cost/billing rates, in the context of project and these rates are used in calculating estimated, actual resource cost and billing of a project based on how much hours resource is assigned and has actually worked on project activities (tasks, issues, risks, meeting/ad hoc items)


Note: As team members are added to the project, an email will be sent to him/her notifying about his/her addition to a given project. He/she can use his existing credentials to login & view/update project information.

  1. If you want to remove certain user from your project, you can simply click on the link Remove Team Member on the page below.
  2. Note A team member can be removed from project by clicking on 'Remove From Team' link as given below.


Note: If a team member is assigned with tasks, issues, risks and if he/she has entered timesheet details, he/she cannot be deleted. If you still want to remove him/her from your team, you can un-assign tasks him, and if no approved timesheet entries are recorded against him/her & then delete it from a given project.

Note: Project owner can also add generic (virtual) users to project team. This generic user is treated almost like a regular user except that he/she can’t login. For more information refer this page.

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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