Update User Details
Navigate Admin>User Setup>Users>Select User>Edit
To update existing user's details, select a user & click on Edit button in Users box at the top of workspace within Admin page as shown below.
As you click on Add button, you will see 'Edit User' box as follows
- As an administrator, you can update all the fields except (email ID & Login ID)
- As you will notice, the other details for ‘additional user details’ fields such as sections too, such as address, city, zip, contact number can be entered and modified in another tab ‘Additional Details’
- As you click on Save, user details will be updated & a flash message will be shown to indicate action has been processed and you will be able to see updated details in the list below.
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Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPI, project dashboard, etc.
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