Project Timeline

Navigate Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace > Project Overview > Project Dashboard > Tasks Timeline

1. As you click on the Project Dashboard bar in the left panel, you will see list of portlets/boxes arranged in the main workspace area

2. A portlet/box 'Task Timeline' will give you status of project in terms of percentage of number of tasks that should be completed today (as planned) of total number of Tasks, actually completed and tasks that are lagging

3. Refer following section to understand how to read Task Timeline in dashboard

Understanding Task Timeline dashboard


  • You can see, the x-axis shows percentage numbers (-100% to 100%)
  • The y-axis represetnts three categories viz. Planned Completion, Actual Completion, Slippage
  • Put together, the bar “Planned Completion” represents – Number of tasks that are planned to be completed as of today, expressed as a percentage of total tasks in current project
  • e.g. If current project has 50 tasks, of which, 25 tasks are planned to be completed today so the first horizontal bar in green color will show (25/50*100 = 50%) of 'Planned Completion'
  • “Actual Completion” bar represents – Number of tasks that are actually be completed as of today, expressed as a percentage of total tasks in current project
  • e.g. If current project has 50 tasks, of which, 20 tasks are planned to be completed and of these 20 planned tasks, only 15 tasks are actually completed as of today hence the next horizontal bar in green color will show (15/50*100 = 30%)
  • “Slippage” bar represents – Number of tasks that are planned to be completed but not yet completed as of today, expressed as a percentage of total tasks in current project
  • e.g. If current project has 50 tasks, of which, 20 tasks are planned to be completed and of these 20 planned tasks, only 15 tasks are actually completed and 5 are still not complete as of today hence the next horizontal bar in green color will show (5/50*100 = 10%)


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Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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