Navigate Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace > Project Overview > Project Dashboard > Risks
- As you click on the Project Dashboard bar in the left panel, you will see list of portlets/boxes arranged in the main workspace area
- A portlet/box with heading 'Risks' will give you status of project in terms of number of Risks.
This is a heat-map representation of risks in your project. You will find this representation to be informative. To understand significance of this heat-map, refer to subsequent section for details.
Understanding Project Risks dashboard |
The status for Project Risks is represented through a heat-map as shown above. A Heat map is a graphical presentation of data where the values taken by number of risks in a two-dimensional table (probability x severity) are represented as colors
As you can notice, the color changes from dark green > light green > blue > red > dark red. This color transition represents normalcy to high-severity of risks
On x-axis, you will see, the probability (Rare, Unlikely, Possible, Likely, Almost Certain) whereas on y-axis, you will see, the Impact of risks (Catastropic, Major, Moderate, Minor, Insignificant)
The number in a given cell represents- total number of risks as described by respective row & column. The number in bracket shows closed risks in the same category.
To describe a summary of all risks in this portlet, you can read the botton line that describes how many of Total risks, Open Risks, Reviewed Risks, Closed Risks present in current project.