
Navigate  Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace > Project Overview > Project Dashboard > Tasks

1. As you click on the Project Dashboard bar in the left panel, you will see list of portlets/boxes arranged in the main workspace area

2. A portlet/box with heading 'Tasks' will give you status of project in terms of number of tasks in different states.

3. This is a simple pie chart, that is easy to understand

Understanding Project Tasks dashboard


  • The status for Project Tasks is represented through a pie-chart.
  • The pie chart displays share of total tasks that are In Progress, Not Started and Completed.
  • e.g. In your project let's say, there are total 40 tasks of which 10 are completed, 5 are in progress and 15 are yet to start.
  • So the pie chart will show: Share of 'Completed' Tasks in green color with 25% area of pie, 'In Progress' task will be shown in blue colored pie with 12.5% area wheras 'Not Started' tasks will be represented with orange color with 50% area of pie chart
  •  You can move mouse/pointer over the pie chart sections and it will display type of tasks it represents & associated numbers – – percentage of completed/In Progress/Not Started tasks and actual number of tasks in each category
  •  You can view number of tasks aggregated for type of status of tasks along side

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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