Project Dashboard

Once place to get health of your project. Get Real time status of your project. ZilicusPM provides you - stylish and informative dashboard that you get a clear picture about progress you have made in your project.

Project Dashboard | Project Progress

Navigate  Home> Projects >Select Ongoing Project > Project Workspace > Project Overview > Project Dashboard

1. As you click on the Project Dashboard bar in the left panel, you will see list of portlets/boxes arranged in the main workspace area

2. A portlet/box with heading 'Progress' will give you status of project in terms of number of tasks completed. But to give you a higher level of picture, this portlet displayed progres made with reference to first level of Summary Tasks/ Task Groups in the project.

3. Here you can see, planned completion and actual completion bars for each of the task group in your project

Understanding Project Progress dashboard


  • As you can see, first level of summary tasks/ Task groups are listed in 'Task Group' column. Next to Task Group column, it is 'Progress' column
  • For a given Task Group, the bar indicates - 

 Let's say a given task group has 20 tasks.

 As of today, what is the number of tasks those were 'planned to be completed' say ten (10)

 As of today, what is the number of tasks those are 'actually completed' say four (4)

 Hence 'Planned Completion' is (10/20*100 = 50) fifty percentage (50%)

 The 'Actual Completion is (4/20*100 = 20) twenty percentage (20%)

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

Know more about project portfolio managementGantt chartbest project management toolproject management office, project management tips, project planning guideproject risk managementproject scope management, effective project management, project manager guides and know more about Project Portfolio Management SoftwareProject Management Software Guide.