Timesheet Detail Report

This report gives tabulated information of Timesheet data submitted for all users present in your organization as registered in ZilicusPM. This information is grouped for week's duration for a given date range and grouped by team member.

Navigate  Reports Tab > Look for Reports section in the left panel > Click on 'Timesheet Report' word-link


1. As you click on the link stated above, box will open up that will ask you to select a date range, timesheet options (one of 3) and select projects (portfolio or individually) to view timesheet details.



Based on your selection, project report is populated as shown below



One can again apply filters for resource and then project, activity name, type of activity and date wise timesheet entries are shown as shown above. One can apply filter for a given resource and fetch his/her details.

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Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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