Project Financial Report (Radar Chart)
Most of the times project and portfolio managers have to track financial status of projects. This report gives a clear status of projects’ financial health – how is project doing compared to its budget, cost, estimated billing, actual cost, etc.
Navigate Reports Tab > Look for Reports section in the left panel > Click on Project > Project Financials'
Users will be able to read project related number along the axis (e.g. estimated cost shown with light blue box whereas estimated cost for the same project his shown with red dot along same line. So along the line, one can quickly see, whether estimated cost is overshooting budget for which all projects.
Figure 12 Project Budget Vs Estimated Cost
Figure 13 Project Actual Vs Estimated Cost
Above chart and given below are screenshot of additional reports available in ZilicusPM. The reports are self-explanatory about financial status of portfolio projects.
Figure 14 Project Budget Vs Estimated Billing
Figure 15 Project Financial Status Report - Tabular Data
About Zilicus
Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPI, project dashboard, etc.
Know more about project portfolio management, Gantt chart, best project management tool, project management office, project management tips, project planning guide, project risk management, project scope management, effective project management, project manager guides and know more about Project Portfolio Management Software, Project Management Software Guide.