Project Portfolio Reports

Reports tab is accessible to project managers and portfolio managers; rest of the team members/ users, can see based on the report type and access level.

Note: Beside the reports that you will see in this guide, please check with ZilicusPM support team – since every new version being released, ZilicusPM team has been adding new reports. You can also check with support team about any custom report requirements.

Project Portfolio Status

This report gives tabulated information of status of all projects (as per access granted to the signed in user)

Navigate  Reports Tab > Look for Reports section in the left panel > Click on 'Portfolio Status' word-link

1. As you click on the link stated above, a report will open in the main workspace area

2. This report gives status of the projects to which you are a project manager or portfolio manager

3. One can select which project for which he/she would like to see the report

4. How this report is organized, is illustrated in following section.

5. You can export this report into a PDF format file by clicking on 'Export to PDF' button (green coloured) at the top-right side of the main workspace area.

Portfolio Status Reports heading

Portfolio Status Reports Overdue Tasks

Portfolio Status Reports Open Issues

Portfolio Status Reports Open Risks


Reading Portfolio Status Report


  • The heading of the report will always be 'Name of the Organization' (Sticky Heading)
  • The second level heading is of a Project as 'Project Status for : #ProjectName As of today's date' (Sticky Heading)
  • The next level of sticky information you will see on every page is details of the project such as Name, Project Manager, Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, Schedule Status, Resource Utilization, Open Issues, Open Issues
  • If for a given project, status report is exceeding one page and is continued on multiple pages; the second level heading will always be Project Name
  • The next table is “Overdue Tasks”

 This section enlists tasks that are overdue as of today.

 Rest of the heading & details are self explanatory

  • Next information is about “Open Issues”

 Tabulated information of issues: Number, Brief Summary, Assigned to, Status, Priority, Created On, Reported by, etc fields

  • Then you can see, 'Open Risks'
  • List of Risks – with fields as – Risk No, Summary, Assigned to, Status, Risk Type, Created On, Reported by, etc

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

Know more about project portfolio managementGantt chartbest project management toolproject management office, project management tips, project planning guideproject risk managementproject scope management, effective project management, project manager guides and know more about Project Portfolio Management SoftwareProject Management Software Guide.