Add Labels to project file

Navigate Projects> Select a Project > Click on 'Go To Workspace' link > Project Workspace > Documents bar in left panel > Select a given folder to which you want to add file > From the document list, Select a given file for which new version is to be created > Click on Action Icon > Click on 'Add/Remove Label'

1. As you click on 'Add/Remove Label' a box with title - 'Add/Remove Label' will be shown

2. In the text box that displays 'Type Label Here', you can enter the label you wish to add to your document

3. If there is an existing label present, you will be automatically suggested to use it. If you wish to use something different, you can overwrite it by typing new label and it will be added to list of labels available for your project.

4. You can add multiple labels by clicking on 'Add' button

5. Once you have added desired labels, click on 'Save' to store it.

6. The list of labels can be seen in the 'Document Details' panel on right through label section.

Additional Note


Labels are visible only within your project workspace. It helps you and your team team to keep labels, private to your project.

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