Additional Note |
What is document Version? Project documents undergo quite a lot of changes during its lifetime. May it be draft, first releases, second release, review comments from stakeholders, etc. It is important for your team to always work on the latest document to avoid any gap and possible pitfalls of re-working of documents. ZilicusPM helps you and your team to always keep on latest project file by allowing you to create multiple versions of project files.
Note: The version numbers are automatically generated. They are as follows Major Versions – 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and so on Minor Versions – 1.1, 2.3, 2.6 and so on. |
Create document Versions
Navigate Projects> Select a Project > Click on 'Go To Workspace' link > Project Workspace > Documents bar in left panel > Select a given folder to which you want to add file > From the document list, Select a given file for which new version is to be created > Click on Action Icon > Click on Upload New Version
1. As you click on 'Upload New Version' a box with title - 'Upload New Version' will be shown
2. You can select, the next version file to upload, from your computer (local/network) by clicking on 'Choose File'
3. As you select the file, its name will be displayed to the right of 'Choose File' button
4. Next thing you can specify – whether the new version of project file being uploaded is Major or Minor.
5. Once you click Okay, new version of a given project file will be uploaded to the selected folder and you can check that in Document List.
6. The document list will always display the latest document version.
About Zilicus
Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPI, project dashboard, etc.
Know more about project portfolio management, Gantt chart, best project management tool, project management office, project management tips, project planning guide, project risk management, project scope management, effective project management, project manager guides and know more about Project Portfolio Management Software, Project Management Software Guide.