Issues in Dashboard

Navigate Projects tab > view through list of Recent/OngoingProject > click on a project link – 'Go To Workspace' > workspace > within Overview section in left panel > Click on 'Project Dashboard' > View main workspace area on right side

This dashboard is accessible to everyone in your team hence makes the project progress transparent with your team members. Here is the list of things what you can see in Project Dashboard.

  1. Progress (Planned vs Actual)
  2. Issues (Based on priority – All)
  3. Tasks (In Progress, Not Started, Completed)
  4. Risks (Open, Closed, Reviewed & Impact Grid)
  5. Project Timeline (Planned, Slippage, Actual)
  6. Resource Utilization

Out of these portlets, Issues portlet/box gives a snapshot of issues for a given project.

About Zilicus

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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