Zilicus Risk Management is a powerful risk tracking tool. It helps you to track a risk through-out its lifecycle right that lets you manage issues through its various stages.

in this real world, projects are not immune to risks. Hence you need judicious mechanism to manage risks. Risk management is all about identification, evaluation, prioritization, planning and responding to risks. Though, risk can be positive or negative, organizations generally more concerned about risks which have negative impact on projects & overall organization's goals. The only & best strategy is to register, evaluate, plan and be prepare to tackle risks.

ZilicusPM enables your team to identify & submit risks to Risk Register. Project Manager can track this risk register all the time from anywhere. He can evaluate risk for its probability & impact and define risk mitigation or risk contingency plan and in turn delegate these risk response activities to a resource.


Submit Risk

Navigate Projects> Select a Project > Click on 'Go To Workspace' link > Project Workspace > Risk bar in left panel > Click on 'Add New Risk' in the same panel



1. As you click on 'Add New Risk' as said above, you will see a 'Add Risk' box in the workspace area as shown below


2. You can enter following details

  • Short Summary (* Mandatory)
  • Full Description (Optional)
  • Risk Type (Optional) – Type for new, Available as a drop down for existing entries
  • Likely Occurrence Date (* Mandatory) – with Date Selector

3. Provide necessary details, to save the issue click on Save button

4. You will be taken to 'Risks Reported By Me' tab

5. Newly added risk becomes part of your Risk Register.



Additional Note

Each time you submit new Risk, the Risk Number (field associated with risk) gets incremented. This number represents a risk uniquely, in your organization. In short, Risk Number represent an Organization-wide count of Risks.

About Zilicus

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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