Scheduling and tracking meeting is made quite simple in ZilicusPM. As you click on ‘Schedule A New Meeting’ button a box will pop-out as shown below. And you can enter meeting title, location, date, time, duration and other details.

As shown below, you can invite meeting attendees just like you would do in Microsoft Outlook to create a meeting event (indicating whether they are optional or required). Once you fill in necessary details and click on save, a meeting is created in ZilicusPM, all invites will receive email notification about meeting with .ics file just like Microsoft Outlook calendar event and it will be shown in their respective calendar client like Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Lotus Note, Yahoo calendar, GoDaddy calendar, etc.




Add Meeting to Project Schedule

The meeting organizer can convert a project meeting as a project task in schedule.

An option is provided while creating meeting to create task from a scheduled meeting. If this option is selected (shown below), all meeting participants (who are in regular users are part of project team) will be assigned corresponding task. Any change in meeting schedule will reflect in corresponding change in task schedule. However the vice-versa is not true i.e. if you change the schedule of the task (created from meeting), the change will be done in isolation to the meeting’s schedule.


Figure 3: Adding Project Meeting to Project Schedule


Meeting Agenda – other details


Once meeting is created, team members, customers will be able to view meeting agenda in after logging in to ZilicusPM as well, shown below

About Zilicus 

Zilicus offers the best project portfolio management tool ZilicusPM, with robust project management tools capabilities and easy ways to track project management KPIproject dashboard, etc.

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